Making a Real Change

What do those four words mean ?

I always thought I understood them, but now I'm not sure at all.

Let's start with having a goal. The clearer it is, the better.

The only way to develop discipline is to make something a habit, instead of finding excuses or reasons why it's difficult, or why it can't be done.

You finish it whether it gives you pleasure or pain, reward or nothing.
You do it because you need to.

It means not saying you can't, or pushing back deadlines.
It means showing up on time, being reliable and being accountable.

If something needs to be completed, it's completed. It can be going to the gym, meeting a deadline, practising an instrument, completing a screenplay, or making sure a child is toilet trained.

Discipline works well with commitment.
Once you've committed to something, it becomes easier to remain disciplined.
Once you are committed, you will ensure you remain determined to achieve your goal.
And if you find yourself losing focus or motivated, discipline helps you stay on track.

Belief in something doesn't really mean anything if your goals are not clear or you are not disciplined enough to achieve them. Talking is easy. You can believe that you can do anything, you can make a great case for it, but if don't actually start by getting things done one step at a time, you have effectively remained at zero.

You cannot and should not talk yourself out of something.
Once you're committed, you need to forget who you used to be, and start a new chapter, and be at the top of your game at all times until a real change is made.

Now that's transcendence.


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