The Hamster Obsession Chronicles Part 2

1. Hamsters are scared, but curious, and extremely fast learners.

You feel fear? So do they. Every encounter might be with a predator,
They bite only when provoked, so it's their last ditch move.
Scotch used to flinch. Now he has learnt to be petted, and he waits to be taken out for play time.
Whats the worst that could happen to you if you try something new?

2. They have a fixed, disciplined, constant routine that works.

Hamsters are creatures of habit.
They systematically groom, eat, sleep, wake, look for food, tidy their nest, make their beds, look for a chance to leave their cage, run on their wheel, wait to be cuddled. It's predicatable and gives the owner something to look forward to, and to care for them well.
It's the same in life. The more of a routine you have, the better you can deal with new occurences, and better for others to manage your expectations.

3. Hamsters are tenacious.

They will bite, claw or charm their way to what they want. You do their bidding without even knowing it, because they are rarely deterred, and they look great while tackling their task.
If you know what you want and ask the right people nicely, your single-minded purpose and oodles of charm will ensure success.

4. You get what you give.

The more I take care of them, the better trained and adjusted they are.
If the same effort is put into other aspects of life, the same benefits can be had.  The constructive effort you put in will be returned ten fold.


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